John Parham Co-Presents November 12th LIMA Webinar: Defining The Brand – Beyond The Obvious

By Parham Santana

October 17, 2014


On November 12th John Parham, a LIMA board member and President and Director of Branding at Parham Santana, will co-present with Susan Lazor, Director of Brand Management at Ellery Homestyles, a LIMA sponsored webinar: "Defining the Brand – Beyond the Obvious." Moderated by Marty Brochstein, LIMA's Senior VP for Industry Relations & Information, this webinar promises to be a lively, insightful discussion.

Most brands are launched on the strength of a single product or idea. But the successful ones are built on a single equity optimized for expansion and extension. For brand owners, a strategic, methodical look at their brand can lead them in new product and service directions. For licensing agents, that kind of brand consultancy can bring added business beyond just the licensing dollars. And retailers and licensees need to be savvy about how they evaluate whether a brand has the right qualities to help build their own businesses.

In this presentation, based on real-world success stories and proven methodologies, John Parham, President, Director of Branding at Parham Santana, will outline opportunities to define the brand, and grow brand value for all parties.

Areas to be covered include:

  • How to define the brand from three key perspectives
  • When and how to use research – qualitative and quantitative
  • How to present ROI for brand owners, manufacturers, licensees and retailers
  • Why a strategic definition of the brand leads to increased licensing opportunity

Who should attend and why:
Licensing Agents – add new strategic consulting services and revenue
Brand Owners – extend beyond core product lines
Manufacturers and Licensees – increase trade-up to higher margins, higher prices
Retailers – grow sales and accelerate conversion with optimized merchandising and branding

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